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ShiftED Podcast • In Conversation with Gary Stager
ShiftED Podcast #21: In Conversation with Gary Stager
Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom with Ed Tech: A Conversation with Gary Stager
Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom with Ed Tech: A Conversation with Gary Stager
ShiftEd Podcast #27: In Conversation with Robert Martellacci
ShiftED Podcast in Conversation with Peter Skillen: A wholistic Approach to 21 Century Learning
ShiftEd Podcast #30: In Conversation with Peter Skillen
Interview with Gary Stager - "Kids Need to Spend Time in the Company of Interesting Adults"
Constructing a Better Path for Learning with Gary Stager | Let's Talk CS | Rex K12 Podcast
Gary Stager, Ph.D: The transformative power of jazz and life-changing lessons from Seymour Papert
Rethinking Education From Authoritarianism to Empathy
Dr. Gary Stager on Transforming Education with AI and Progressive Pedagogy | Episode 6